
OpenPGP 密钥(GnuPG软件)安全随笔

GnuPG软件(简称GPG) – OpenPGP

历史介绍 History

PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)

最早是由PGP Inc.公司拥有原始的PGP加密软件的版权,后来它被赛门铁克公司(Symantec Corp.)收购。后续由赛门铁克公司继续开发维护PGP品牌。



GPG (GNU Privacy Guard)

GnuPGP由Werner Koch开发的开源加密工具软件,并于1999年发布,以替代现有的Symantec加密工具软件套件。 它可以免费下载,并且基于IETF建立的OpenPGP标准,因此可以与Symantec的PGP工具和支持OpenPGP标准的软件互操作。GPG可以打开和解密任何PGP和OpenPGP标准的文件。




在OpenPGP标准中你的钥匙包括一个主钥(master key)和若干子钥(subkeys)。在OpenPGP标准中主钥,子钥(Subkey)是必需理解,非常关键的概念,可以极大的提升安全性。

  • 主钥的主要作用是用于签发和吊销其它密钥、签名或用户Id,从安全角度考虑,主钥的私钥应该完全保持离线。
  • 子钥:根据设置用途可以用于加密或签名,一旦子钥泄密可以用主钥吊销该子钥。
    • GPG会随机选择用于加密或签名(GPG默认策略会挑选钥匙size最大的,以及创建时间最近的)。

而就内部结构上看,子钥和主钥没啥不同的,只是PacketId上有差别,另外子钥要求有绑定主钥的签名包(见后面描述Binding Signatures)。

  • Public-Subkey Packet Tag 是 14
  • Secret-Subkey Packet Tag 是 7

Subkey Usage

OpenPGP subkeys 用于不同的设想:

  • 可以保持主键始终处于离线安全状态,您的主键不需要存放在线上(online),可以只存放在本地的安全设备上。一旦有子键泄露,可以立刻使用主键轻松的吊销该子键,而没有撤销主键的麻烦(需要再次分享新的键,获取新的签名…)。Being able to store the primary key offline or a more secure device. If a machine with a subkey is harmed, you can easily revoke the subkey without all the hassles of revoking your primary key (sharing a new key, getting new signatures, …).
  • 可以在不同的机器上使用不同的子键。例如在构建服务器上使用单独的子键。记住,吊销单独的子键非常容易。Having different subkeys on different machines, for example a signing subkey on a build server. Again, revoking single keys is easy.
  • 使用较大尺寸的密钥作为主键长时间使用,而使用短而快速的子键,可以每天一换。Using a larger primary key for long lifetime, and shorter, but faster subkeys for day-to-day usage.
  • 某些算法不能同时支持加密和签名,例如: DSA 主密钥只能签名,因此它需要另一个密钥来加密,通常DSA与ElGamal算法成对使用。Some algorithms do not support both encrypting and signing. For example, a DSA primary key requires another key for encryption, typically paired with ElGamal.

Binding Signatures

There are special signature subtypes to bind subkeys to primary keys (and vice verse), listed in RFC 4880, OpenPGP, 5.2.1 Signature Types:

0x18: Subkey Binding Signature

This signature is a statement by the top-level signing key that indicates that it owns the subkey. This signature is calculated directly on the primary key and subkey, and not on any User ID or other packets. A signature that binds a signing subkey MUST have an Embedded Signature subpacket in this binding signature that contains a 0x19 signature made by the signing subkey on the primary key and subkey.

0x19: Primary Key Binding Signature

This signature is a statement by a signing subkey, indicating that it is owned by the primary key and subkey. This signature is calculated the same way as a 0x18 signature: directly on the primary key and subkey, and not on any User ID or other packets.

OpenPGP 更进一步的支持 subkeys, 它像普通的钥匙,但 subkeys 是和一个 master 钥匙绑定的,子钥 可以用于签名或加密。子钥可以独立于主钥匙进行撤销和存放。


GnuPG 实际上用一个签名(signing-only)钥匙作为主钥匙。然后自动创建了一个用于加密的子钥。 Without a subkey for encryption, you can’t have encrypted e-mails with GnuPG at all. Debian requires you to have the encryption subkey so that certain kinds of things can be e-mailed to you safely, such as the initial password for your debian.org shell account.


  • when you sign someone else’s key or revoke an existing signature,
  • when you add a new UID or mark an existing UID as primary,
  • when you create a new subkey,
  • when you revoke an existing UID or subkey,
  • when you change the preferences (e.g., with setpref) on a UID,
  • when you change the expiration date on your master key or any of its subkey, or
  • when you revoke or generate a revocation certificate for the complete key.

看 openpgpjs 的代码,好像可以独立使用subkey,但是必须存在 master key的公钥。

gpg --help
gpg --gen-key
gpg --expert --gen-key # 可以打开ECC等其它加密算法的支持, or --full-gen-key

  gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.12; Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
  There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
   (1) RSA and RSA (default)
   (2) DSA and Elgamal
   (3) DSA (仅用于签名) 
   (4) RSA (仅用于签名)

# 生成一张"撤销证书",以备以后密钥作废时,可以请求外部的公钥服务器撤销你的公钥。
gpg --gen-revoke [用户ID]

gpg --list-keys --list-options show-keyring

pub   rsa4096 2016-10-05 [SC]
uid           [ unknown] Yarn Packaging <[email protected]>
sub   rsa4096 2016-10-05 [E]
sub   rsa4096 2016-10-05 [S] [expires: 2017-10-05]
sub   rsa4096 2016-10-30 [S]

pub   rsa4096 2017-04-17 [SC]
uid           [ultimate] Riceball LEE <[email protected]>
sub   rsa4096 2017-04-17 [E]

# 输出密钥,armor参数可以将其转换为ASCII码显示。
gpg --armor --output public-key.txt --export [用户ID]
gpg --armor --output private-key.txt --export-secret-keys
# 上传公钥 公钥服务器是网络上专门储存用户公钥的服务器
gpg --send-keys [用户ID]

# 除了生成自己的密钥,还需要将他人的公钥或者你的其他密钥输入系统。这时可以使用import参数。
gpg --import [密钥文件]

# 为了获得他人的公钥,可以让对方直接发给你,或者到公钥服务器上寻找。
gpg --search-keys [用户ID]

# encrypt参数用于加密。
gpg --recipient [用户ID] --output demo.en.txt --encrypt demo.txt

# 解密 GPG允许省略decrypt参数。
gpg --decrypt demo.en.txt --output demo.de.txt

# 对文件签名 当前目录下生成demo.txt.gpg文件 -a 将为ascii armored 输出 demo.txt.asc
# -o demo.txt.sig 自定义输出文件名
gpg --detach-sig demo.txt
# 生成ASCII码的签名文件
gpg --clearsign demo.txt

#  验证签名
gpg --verify demo.txt.asc demo.txt

# 增加 subkey 启用 ECC 支持

gpg --expert --edit-key YOURMASTERKEYID
gpg> addkey
  Please select what kind of key you want:
    (3) DSA (sign only)
    (4) RSA (sign only)
    (5) Elgamal (encrypt only)
    (6) RSA (encrypt only)
    (7) DSA (set your own capabilities)
    (8) RSA (set your own capabilities)
    (10) ECC (sign only)
    (11) ECC (set your own capabilities)
    (12) ECC (encrypt only)
    (13) Existing key
  Your selection? 10
  Please select which elliptic curve you want:
    (1) Curve 25519
    (3) NIST P-256
    (4) NIST P-384
    (5) NIST P-521
    (6) Brainpool P-256
    (7) Brainpool P-384
    (8) Brainpool P-512
    (9) secp256k1
  Your selection? 9
gpg> save



openpgp2ssh 测试成功,其余失败,搞定。

sudo apt install monkeysphere
# 弄之前先解密需要导出的密钥
# 10F15E84852CB868 是subkey的id,可以用 gpg --list-keys 看到
gpg --export-secret-subkeys [email protected] | openpgp2ssh 10F15E84852CB868 > id_rsa
openssl rsa -in id_rsa -outform pem > key.pem
# 将子密钥转为 pkcs8 格式。
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -outform DER -in key.pem -inform PEM -out key.pk8 -nocrypt
# 产生请求签名的证书文件,发给签名方签名形成签名证书。
openssl req -new -key key.pem -out request.pem
# 签名方进行签名,产生签名证书。
# 这样一来变成了自签名的,而不是主钥签名的。如果要主钥签名,首先得导出主钥。
openssl x509 -req -days 9999 -in request.pem -signkey key.pem -out certificate.pem
# 使用 Android 提供的 SignApk.jar 进行 apk签名
java -jar SignApk.jar certificate.pem key.pk8 Application.apk Application_signed.apk
# 可以用这个脚本转到keytool去用java的 jarsigner, -p keystore-password
keytool-importkeypair -k ~/.android/debug.keystore -p android -pk8 key.pk8 -cert certificate.pem -alias platform
# 使用 java自带的签名工具进行签名
jarsigner -verbose -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore Application_unsign.apk platform


# keytool-importkeypair
# 将pkcs8 转回 pem 格式
openssl pkcs8 -inform DER -nocrypt -in "${pk8}" -out "${key}"
# 将密钥绑定签名证书,使用 keystore的密码加密
openssl pkcs12 -export -in "${cert}" -inkey "${key}" -out "${p12}" -password pass:"${passphrase}" -name "${alias}"
# 导入keystore
keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass "${passphrase}" -destkeystore "${keystore}" -srckeystore "${p12}" -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass "${passphrase}"


It’s separate key storage: gpg has ~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg, gpgsm has ~/.gnupg/pubring.kbx
So keys added with gpgsm aren’t usable with gpg; gpg doesn’t read ~/.gnupg/pubring.kbx.

gpg -o secret-key.p12 --export [key id] --export-format pkcs12 --cert

pkcs12 Only binary blocks are output; the default file extension is .p12; a signed key must be paired; and input must match exactly one key. In this case, --cert is required.

--cert This option is the X.509 issuer long name or the 32-bit or 64-bit key ID, if the signing key is available.

And there is an option concerning the charset of the exported key, which often is a problem with (especially older) windows programs:

--p12-charset name gpgsm uses the UTF-8 encoding when encoding passphrases for PKCS#12 files. This option may be used to force the passphrase to be encoded in the specified encoding name. This is useful if the application used to import the key uses a different encoding and thus will not be able to import a file generated by gpgsm. Commonly used values for name are Latin1 and CP850. Note that gpgsm itself automagically imports any file with a passphrase encoded to the most commonly used encodings.

It contains keys and certificates. Then you can split them with openSSL and transform it in .pem at the same time

openssl pkcs12 -in secret-key.p12 -out gpg-certs.pem -clcerts -nokeys -passin 'pass:P@s5w0rD'
openssl pkcs12 -in secret-key.p12 -out gpg-key.pem -nocerts -nodes

openssl pkcs12 -in secret-key.p12 -nocerts -out gpg-key.pem
openssl pkcs12 -in secret-key.p12 -nokeys -out gpg-certs.pem

还发现一个工具可以: openpgp2ssh http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/natty/man1/openpgp2ssh.1.html


gpg --edit-key $KEYID 然后用 passwd 子命令移除密码。然后

gpg --export-secret-key $KEYID | openpgp2ssh $KEYID > id_rsa

然后可以建立 Certificate Signing Request (CSR):

openssl req -new -key id_rsa -out id_rsa.csr

id_rsa.csr’s content should look like:






最后创建a PKCS#12 container:

openssl pkcs12 -export -in [email protected] -out [email protected]

Creating a new X.509 certificate from your PGP key pair

# 失败,没有 p12-export参数了!!!
/usr/lib/gnupg/gpg-protect-tool --p12-export -P <passphrase> ~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/[keygrip] >foo.p12

[keygrip] is the hash of the key. you can find it by:

gpg --with-keygrip --list-key

prepend the above line by space to avoid login the passphrase in history.

then (as per this guide, in fact)

openssl pkcs12 -in foo.p12 -nocerts -out foo.pem
chmod 0600 foo.pem
mv foo.pem ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh-keygen -y -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa > ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

PGP 信任方式

PGP(Pretty Good Privacy)最初是用传统公钥密码学加密email信息的,之后又被用于加密本地文件。

注意:PGP和WoT(Web of Trust)不是同一样事务,PGP采用了WoT的方式。






  1. 公钥证书的有效性;
  2. 介绍人的可信度。



  • 未定义有效(undefined):公钥的有效性无法判断;
  • 边际有效(marginal):公钥可具有一定的有效性,但是无法完全确认;
  • 完全有效(complete):公钥完全有效。



  • 完全可信(full):该公钥介绍其它公钥是完全值得信任的;
  • 边际可信(marginal):该公钥可以介绍其它公钥,但其可信度值得怀疑;
  • 不可信(untrustworthy):该公钥完全不值得信任,它为其它公钥所做的签名可忽略不计;
  • 可信未知(don’t know):该公钥介绍其它公钥的可信度仍属未知状态。




1. For each signature do

// scan signatures

2. if signature is completely valid then

3. if key trust ∈{undefined,unknown,untrusted} then

4. ignore signature

5. if key trust is marginal then

6. accumulate marginals_counter

7. if key trust is complete then

8. accumulate completes_counter

9. else

10. ignore signature

// decision

11. if (marginals_counter>0) or (completes_counter>0) then

12. if (marginals_counter>=MARGINALS_NEEDED) or

13.(completes_counter>=COMPLETES_NEEDED) then

14. mark key validity as 'complete'

15. else

16. mark key validity as 'marginal'


  • line 6: marginals_counter 计算该公钥证书的边际信任签名个数;
  • line 8: completes_counter 计算该公钥证书的完全信任签名个数;
  • line 10:非完全有效的签名将被忽略,即便它是由可信任的“介绍人”提出;
  • lines 11,12,13: COMPLETES_NEEDED(完全需要数量)和MARGINALS_NEEDED(边际需要数量)均大于1。



在PGP中,信任是不可以传递的。即在下图的介绍人(证书)链中,Carol不能假设Eric 的证书是有效的,除非通过介绍人的介绍。

Carol --> Alice --> Bob --> Eric
graph LR
  Carol --> Alice
  Alice --> Bob
  Bob --> Eric




Key Server

