
Interactive Markdown


Interactive Markdown is a tool for making reactive/interactive documents — using a plain text markdown source, with a special notation for adding interactive controls and variables. The logic is determined by the content of the code blocks, which is actually executed on-the-fly to update the variables.

More detail see 💁🏻‍♂️ Interactive Markdown Reference Manual for a complete reference of the elements and their configuration.

Status: Alpha Test

An Example Interactive document looks like this:

St.Ives Example

An old riddle.

As I was going to St Ives
I met a man with 7 wives
Every wife had 7 sacks
Every sack had 7 cats
Every cat had 7 kits
Kits, cats, sacks, wives
How many were going to St Ives?

total_sacks = @wives * @sacks
total_cats  = total_sacks * @cats
total_kits  = total_cats * @kits
man         = 1

if @travelers
    narrator = 2
    @verb = 'were'
    narrator = 1
    @verb = 'was'

The first guess is often 2753

@first_guess = man + @wives + total_cats + total_kits + narrator

…but the correct answer is 1.

@answer = narrator

The sample raw Interactive Markdown file is:

An old riddle.

> As [I]{travelers: we or I} [was]{verb} going to *St Ives*
> I met a man with [7 wives]{wives: 1..10}
> Every wife had [7 sacks]{sacks: 1..10}
> Every sack had [7 cats]{cats: 1..10}
> Every cat had [7 kits]{kits: 1..10}
> Kits, cats, sacks, wives
> How many were going to St Ives?

    total_sacks = @wives * @sacks
    total_cats  = total_sacks * @cats
    total_kits  = total_cats * @kits
    man         = 1

    if @travelers
        narrator = 2
        @verb = 'were'
        narrator = 1
        @verb = 'was'

The first guess is often [2753]{first_guess}…

    @first_guess = man + @wives + total_cats + total_kits + narrator

…but the correct answer is **[1]{answer}**.

    @answer = narrator
  • [I]{travelers: We or I} is a toggle switch between We or I
    • travelers is a variable name, It can be referenced @travelers in the code block.
    • the first value is true, the second is false.
  • [7]{wives: 1..10} is a slider from 1 to 10, defaults to 7
    • wives is a variable name, It can be referenced @wives in the code block.

A More Complex Example

ParametersX Coor:10Y Coor:18Width:100Height:50

Following will show howto draw a rect with Raphael animation library, Click the play button to begin:

# demo how to draw a rect.
paper = @canvas

tooltip: set the canvas size:200X100 ::: Init
tooltip: clear canvas
tooltip: init x/y coor, width/height parameters coming from document
type:@rx ||=10\n
type:@ry ||=18\n
type:@rw ||=100\n
type:@rh ||=50\n
tooltip: drawing rect nowing ::: Draw rect
type:rect = paper.rect(@rx, @ry, @rw, @rh)\n
tooltip: fill red for the rect
type:rect.attr('fill', 'red')
moveTo: 8:13
tooltip: you can try it by youself now


The notation for specifying elements is similar to the regular Markdown syntax
for links and images, generally following this format:

[text content]{variable_name: configuration}

More detail see 💁🏻‍♂️ Interactive Markdown Reference Manual for a
complete reference of the elements and their configuration.



Thanks to J Voight, Alex Cabrera, John Debs, and Supriyo Sinha for help with the notation.

The concept and controls are heavily influenced by Bret Victor’s Tangle library for creating reactive documents.
